The Wilderness Medicine Module is built for the trained provider…*OEC, *EMR, EMT, AEMT, Paramedic, Nurse, NP, PA, MD, DO, anyone who has training in medicine and wants to learn how to offer a high level of care in remote settings, with improvised equipment perhaps working alone. Focus is on taking what the provider knows and puts them in the wild environment performing their familiar skills with new “twists” as well as looking at the role of ALS in the back-country. The wilderness produces a broad spectrum of traumatic injuries, soft tissue (cuts/scrapes, burns/blisters), musculoskeletal injuries, injuries of heat, cold, altitude, and all sorts of bites, stings, and stabs. Learn the predictable and preventable principles that would minimize injury/illness and how to handle problems like, reduction of dislocations, improvised splinting, cleaning and dressing wounds to prevent infection, as well as learning to create drinkable water, build an improvised litter, and the “magic” hypothermia wrap. This course prepares you to organize and perform a back-country rescue. Learn how to go into the wild prepared and build a new standard of care that prepares you to go from deep in the wild, to the road, and to the hospital in the truck. (*EMR and *OEC Techs will earn a Wilderness First Responder certification).44 hours, usually 4 days and 1 or 2 evenings.
Wilderness Medicine Module
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